Friday, January 27, 2012


Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Fire Island Summer Project Audition video

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Ok so if i am not the only one by now that is so over this damn debate. i am a gay american living in a world where not only things are changing but have changed. to sit and listen to these ass wholes talk about the same thing over and over again its a pain in my ass.. not only is it lame to talk about things that just makes them look funny it makes me think about alot. I'm tired of them talking about gay and lesbian american's and the whole marriage thing. i myself am proud to say that i am married to my partner and couldn't be much happier, but for them to always put down the gay and lesbian community is just bullshit. if you look at the divorce rate not to be talking about anyone and there lives but straight people do it with no problem and take advantage of the meaning love. the fact that all we want to do is love and spend the rest of our lives with that person and be happy. why is that hard. i tell you why because half of the people in congress are gay and on the down-low. a person who talks about someone else's sexual preference all the time to make them look better only leads to one question which is are you in the closet? I'm tired of everyone being so stuck on everyone else's way to live all they need to worry about is the country and being gay is not the country it's a way of life.. so sit down and do your damn job. for us its about being treated as humans and not the others. i for one pray, go to church and believe in god and that is what makes me strong.. in case saying if god didn't want or like gay and lesbians why is it that he keeps making them? stop being so stuck in our ass and they way we live and worry about america and how it's going... Obama has done so much in his 4 years in office then any other president i have known. hint and case he said he was going to fix things the war, and helping people with jobs, health care and guess what he has.. not because it doesn't happen in a second doesn't mean it's not happening...he got my vote this year and i hope he has your guys.. the world would be a better place if we all just learn to love and learn from one another...xoxo

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Fire Island Summer Project

I've have watched all the shows on logo but something was missing.I was excited to hear about a new gay reality show. The Fire Island Summer Project is a new reality TV show which has just wrapped up their casting. It will follow a group that is predominantly gay on a beach front house in Fire Island, New York and the one they love.The cast has not been revealed as of yet.

The show will follow a group of gay man and they people that love them. In this day and age all you see is the drama queens on TV and say to yourself i don't act like that or i know gay people who don't act like that and wonder when will they show a change and stop showing up as just crazy gay people. I mean come on we all get stuck on the drama that TV has to bring us but most of us don't act like that. I auditioned for the show and i'm waiting to see if i will get cast to be apart of this amazing show. i feel like i have alot to share with not only the gay community but the straight as well. not all of us are drama queens, druggies, and always wanna hate and fight people. it's not like i haven't been that person but i had to change my life in order to be happy with myself. i have a great story to tell that not only will it help me but it will help others and that is my goal. don't get me wrong we like that hot guys, nice bodies, and drama boys as well but let me tell you this show is different.
I'm not saying that it will not happen but i will say that in the world we live in most people need to just get along. there gonna cast so many different people to be apart of this show and i hope that i am one of them. Changing lives and being happy with self is what i stand for and trust when i say you never know what will happen on any show until it happens. Vinnie Potestivo of Vinnie Potestivo Entertainment is the man behind that show. so if you want to see something different make sure you thank him and tell him to cast me lol

Leave your comments and let me know what you think?

much love to all...xoxo